
Telegraph | News | Cameron pledges to cut car emissions

Well, it's nice to see such a bloo-paper go a bit green. The Telegraph cleared up the debacle over David Cameron's journey to work. Well, in his defence, you can't really deny that the kind of papers he carries are not something you want nicked when you're lying unconscious on the pavement after being knocked off your bike by some prick in a Lexus. Plus, the box used to carry his ministerial papers is said to be lead-lined. That kinda beats my lever-arch file. Full article...

Of course, being the Telegraph, they did have to go and spoil an otherwise fairly balanced story by ending on a negative. Apparently 40 scientists are saying that the rest of the ever-growing global consensus (scientific, political, cultural, religious, etc.) have got it wrong and global warming is just a natural phenomenon. Yes it is natural, but I'm pretty sure it's a reaction that is proportional to our emissions. Just because it's a natural phenomena, doesn't make it OK. Nature can be nasty!


Milk Gone Wild!

frat girl gets ****** out
Unnaturally beautiful women, wet-t-shirts and the milky white stuff flowing all over your face. Watch the ad that would embarrass football fans here.


Recycling is Rewarding!

We're not buying nearly enough recycled goods, making recycling collections an expensive business. Despite the fact that Lewisham has a massive incinerator (generating electricity from our waste) you have to give the council credit for the amount of effort they're finally putting into recycling facilities. We can now order big green wheelie-bins and even stand the chance of winning £500 if you recycle. Unfortunately for me, I only recently realised that you actually had to register online to stand a chance of winning. ..
1. Make sure you're filling your green box / wheelie bin, 2. Fill out and submit the short form. Now then, what's this I hear about our recycling being shipped to China and Brazil?...

Who Are The Magical Recycling Pixies?
I can't help but wonder how all this mixed recycling gets sorted, cleaned and graded. I'm guessing that's why a lot of it is out-sourced to developing countries where employee's rights and environmental laws are a little more lax. The World Reuse, Repair and Recycling Association(US) is dedicated to "Fair Trade" standards for international recycling. Their view: "Exporters who mix unrepairable and toxic junk into loads of reuseable material are undermining charitable work, the environment, and sustainable employment."


Reduce: Bye Bye Bed

"Getting rid of my bed actually changed my life"
- Ben Weeks, Canada

Refresh & Reuse: train poster + 6yr old

Twin sisters, Ellen & Julia aim to reclaim the term 'designer' from empty styling. On their blog they attempt to apply design theory and practice to some basic problems of daily living. This example is of an innocent and well-intentioned act of train vandalism.
Design Your Life - Ad-aptive Reuse