
Under-Developed v Over-Developed?

The Problem is the Solution.
Whenever I read about India & China's economic boom it starts a chain-reaction of dark thoughts of eco-doom.
As a designer what can I do about it?
1> Create a highly desirable car that can be made entirely from papier-mache? (No wait, the Trabant already exists).
2> Commission a chinese factory to produce an exclusive range of furniture made entirely from shampoo bottles... ensuring it'll be copied and sold internally - thus providing a use for all our plastic (i.e. one that doesn't involve incineration)?
3> Get stray dog-meat back on the menu in Soho?

I could go on, but I think I've been patronising enough. Every dark thought has it's opposite.
When asked for his view on western civilization, Ghandi replied: "I think it would be a good idea." And as for China, I'd like to thank Al Gore Labs for reminding me of this little fact: "The Chinese symbol for 'crisis' is in fact two symbols - one for danger and the other for opportunity. That is how I see the challenge of halting climate change - locally, nationally and internationally there are opportunities to advance economic and social progress, but there are also huge dangers." Of course you could say that the US has the same attitude but if you through the Yin Yang concept into the mix - you've got yourself an exciting superpower!