A Death Row Blogger's Advice for Life
A Death Row Blogger's Advice for Life
Evans's blog is the leading edge of a strategy by death penalty opponents to use new technologies to make the same point to the wider public....
Thoughts on eco design and living lightly in a heavy world
A Death Row Blogger's Advice for Life
Evans's blog is the leading edge of a strategy by death penalty opponents to use new technologies to make the same point to the wider public....
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2:20 am
Dutch Donny Cards make giving bite-sized donations easy.
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6:02 pm
The Guardian has discovered a draft of the 'Open Skies' treaty which includes a clause that makes imposing emmissions taxes on airlines even more diffcult than it already is.
Despite their significant and growing negative impact on the environment, the aviation industry is effectively subsidised as airlines are not required to pay tax on fuel. We need to start levying fees on every airline ticket, tailored according to the emissions of the flight, but the proposed treaty would make any such levy impossible without transatlantic agreement. The wording of the text is so broad that even future restrictions on night flights at Britain's airports could become difficult for the government to implement without US permission, because of the impact on incoming flights from America. Under the proposed deal, any American carrier would be allowed to operate flights between European cities.
"The European commission are much more concerned about it, much more in favour of measures to mitigate the impact, than the Americans are."
- airline executive
"If this goes through, we'll have sold out to America's airlines."
- Transport 2000
"This could be a recipe for almost the permanent stalling of any environmental advances on aviation."
- Liberal Democrats
Read more on Guardian Unlimited
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5:52 pm
Apparently, 56% of Londoners use their doorstep recycling service every day... where do these 56% live exactly?
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3:59 pm